Friday, February 20, 2009

I am seriously going through withdrawals due to lack of internet. It's so sad. I'm sitting here at the library, here to "print some stuff out for my taxes"...... and sneaking onto my blog ;) Pathetic!

My mom arrives Monday night, the movers will be here Tuesday, and then cleaning and getting ready to leave. We leave this horrible place on Saturday... a week from tomorrow!!!

Speaking of tomorrow... that's J's birthday. Just FYI.

Gotta run.... will update hopefully next week.

Monday, February 2, 2009

First and foremost, a piece of my writing is featured on letters2soulmate for this week! I submitted a sweet Valentine's Day letter that I wrote to J (but haven't given him yet...) and it was selected to be featured on the webiste. Check it out and leave comments! It's a little bit cheesy (at least I think so, now that I have reread it) but it's honest.

Our move is finally starting to come together! My mom will be here Feb 23. The movers will be here the 24th and 25th. I have an ultrasound on the 26th. We will clean and do the final walkthrough on the 26th and 27th. Then our plane leaves Feb 28!! It'll be the last time we see Alaska! I never thought I'd be so excited to leave a touristy place. 26 days left! It's 0 degrees right now and snowing. Too cold for me! OH and the housing office said that the waiting list for a house on base is 0-3 months for a 2 bedroom and 3-6 months for a 3 bedroom. If we apply now, we could probably get a 3 bedroom by the time we arrive in NY. I'm so excited... things are starting to fall into place. It makes me feel less anxious.

The volcano is starting to rock and roll. At 2:45 am AK time, there was intense activity and then earthquakes began around 8am. There are still continuous earthquakes. We'll see how soon it erupts. I'm waiting!

My sister got a job! I'm so happy for her. Now she can REALLY fork over that $20 that she owes me

Kait is pretty mad- I wish she would make up her mind as to whether she wants to take a nap or not, lol. She acts tired- rubs her eyes, yawns, gets cranky.... so I lay her down for a nap and then suddenly she's wide awake and mad at me for laying her down. It's so aggravating! She's a kick in the pants, that's for sure :)

So, yesterday was Superbowl Sunday. I can't believe how well the Cardinals did! They weren't favored to win, but at the beginning of the game I was sure that the Steelers would annihilate the Cards. They surprised me though, they really did- especially with the last touchdown in the 4th quarter. The Steelers won by the skin of their teeth- which is exciting (and was predicted before the SB even began). Thank goodness football season is over- now I will have my husband back on Sundays..... lol.

I looked out the back door the other day to look at the snow and I saw 3 packages on our back porch. I brought them in and they were from the Home Shopping Network. I was really confused as I don't even watch HSN, let alone buy from them. I open them up and they are the SOFTEST blankets I have ever felt- J's mom bought them for us and surprised us :) Mine is dark red, J's is dark blue, and K's is sky blue. They feel like velvet- I'm in love with them! I put K's in her crib with her- it's a throw blanket, but it's perfect for her to use at night. She falls asleep petting it, lol!

Off to check on Kait and try to get her to nap again- I have a lot of laundry and sorting of stuff to do! I realized that our landlord will be having people come into the house to check it out before we move, so I need to clean EVERYWHERE (our closet, our bedrooms, etc....).


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