Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 cups and 6 vials

I went to the hospital today to have my pregnancy concerned (as my sister was still skeptical that I actually was pregnant, despite positive home pregnancy tests). I went to Women's Health, who ordered me a pee test. Then I went to the lab to give the sample. They told me to come back in an hour and a half for the results, so I went and walked around the PX for a while. K and I ate lunch and did some shopping, and then went back to Women's Health. They told me that my test was positive, and that I needed to go get more tests done. She gave me a huge book of papers to fill out. I go to the lab and wait... and wait... and wait. The labs weren't ordered from Women's Health (gaaaaah!)... so I walk all the way back down to WH, and they order the labs. Then I go back to the lab. They have me pee in 2 MORE cups, and then suck 6 vials of blood out of my arm. I tried to take a picture of my battle wound, but my camera was terrified by the gory sight and wouldn't focus on it. Then I went BACK to WH, gave them my paperwork, and scheduled my first OB appointment and ultrasound for February 26th. It was a 4 hour ordeal, and I'm exhausted!

We won't be able to see much on the ultrasound, but we will be able to see and listen to the heartbeat, as well as see his/her head, lower body, arms, and flippers :D I won't find out the gender until much later in the pregnancy, probably around May.

For a girl, we have narrowed down 2 name choices: Lauren Richelle and Riley Madison. We still have no clue about a boy's name, except we LOVE Riley! Riley makes an awesome middle name, but not so great of a first name. We can't find a middle name that doesn't sound awkward with it. Oh well, we still have quite a while until we have to make the final decision ;)

J leaves tomorrow and won't be back for quite a few days. I hate when he leaves, but I love stretching out in a bed all to myself! Heehee. Expect to read numerous blogs, probably astronomical in length. Just want to prepare you.

I had a dream last night that I started dating Isaac Hanson. What the heck? Isaac is the ugliest Hanson of all! J wasn't even in the picture, so I'm assuming that this was a "If I Was Single" scenario. How scary.

Apparently I need to start making a list of the good and bad things that happened today. So, I now introduce you to the new daily segment of my blog:



  • Ate some cookies.
  • Kaitlyn was surprisingly good for how long we were out and about.
  • Ate a veggie delight Sub (brownie points for eating healthily- all veggies on wheat bread with a bit of mustard! Minus brownie points for drinking a root beer and having a couple of potato chips to go with it)
  • The sun was out for a bit today, so in between all of my driving and walking to and from buildings, I actually caught some sunshine.
  • I'm tired from running around all day.
  • I was getting angry at being sent back and forth all afternoon.
  • Had to say goodbye to J (as I will not be awake when he leaves at 5:30am).
  • Had to pee more than I have ever before, and into cups!
  • Vampires sucked my blood.
Seems like it was a pretty even day.


  1. Unknown said...
    Congrats on the pregnancy! My daughter is due around the same time.
    Anonymous said...
    UGHHHHH If you had put a picture of your gory arm on this blog, I would have never visited it again. Gross.

    But anyway, how could you be sure you're pregnant? Doctors are wrong all the time. :-P

    I like Riley Madison very very very very very much. Just don't steal my children's names: Sebastian Nottingham and Clementine Francesca.
    Crystal said...
    I used to have a guy I went to high school with and his name was Riley. :)
    Anonymous said...
    I love Riley Madison for a girl, it's so adorable!

    What about Aiden Riley for a boy? Aiden Riley Estrella?

    Or Riley Alexander is cute if you really wanted to do it as a first name ^_^



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